The True Christ is not a person. It has no gender and is beyond all religions and denominations. It is a Pure Spirit Creation not of this world. It is beyond duality, humanity and emotions. Its nature is pure joy and it is playful and kind. It is Pure Love and Eternal Power only, just like the True Creator, and it is our actual, real identity.
The Christ is NOT wrathful, judgmental, punishing, mean, jealous, deceptive or weak in any way whatsoever. Those are traits of the imposter that has seemingly hijacked the mind.
The figure known as Yahushua/Yeshua of Nazareth was a SYMBOL of the Christ and although he is not the Creator's only helper, he is the FIRST to fully wake up from the dream, resurrect from the "dead" and remind the rest of us (the sleeping & awakening body of Christ) that we can wake up also and do the same, IF NOT MORE, than what he did!
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