I am legally required to state the following:
My services are designed to be a catalyst for self-awareness, clarity and peace. They do not constitute medical, psychological, business or legal advice. If you require diagnosis or medical attention, please consult a medical professional. My services are a supplement; not a replacement.
The information on this website is provided in good faith and is accurate to the best of my knowing. You are solely responsible for any choices, actions or behaviours you take as a result of visiting this site and as a result of our healing work together. You are choosing to invest in my services with your own free will. I am not liable to any person or entity, or responsible for their life or any situation or outcome in their life, that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of my services and the information you receive.
I encourage you to check in with your Intuition to the best of your ability before investing in any product or service and when making major life decisions. This is precisely what my services are about: helping you tune into your Highest Self with ease and confidence.
(Please note that spiritual healing/transformation, typically lends itself to life changes and transitions that are sometimes temporarily uncomfortable which is a perfectly normal part of the process.)
Also, I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who exhibits behaviour that I determine inappropriate or if I am Guided by the Holy Spirit to do so.
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